Why PR is so Critical in a Product Launch

PREFACE: I am a huge gamer, and I have no favoritism of any platform. This is just simply my two cents on Microsoft’s Public Relations (PR) blunders. 

You could count for days when it comes to the number of articles published about Microsoft’s errors in launching their new console later this year. Their reveal, while full of innovative ideas, was plagued by poor messaging and explanation. Getting the “THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THIS” part across should be your priority. When you fail to achieve that, you need a solid PR plan to stop the bleeding which Microsoft did not do. Not even in the slightest, and the video game community burned them for it. Sony on the other hand took advantage of this, and used Microsoft’s PR blunder for their own gain. 

The issue I take with Sony though is they’ve become a corporate bully of sorts. When Microsoft starts to change their policies, for what many would argue for the better, Sony again went on the offensive and explained they have had a clear vision for their console since day one. It’s plain and simple, a disguised attack at Microsoft. Some experts would argue (which I am not) to take advantage of any misstep by your rival for your gain. In this case I would argue it backfired. It alienated some consumers, who know that competition breeds innovation and was glad to see that Microsoft was doing what a majority of the fans wanted. 

Why I find all of this interesting, is at it’s very core an awesome case study for PR students in the years to come. When the dust settles after the consoles launch it will be very interesting to see the steps and missteps going forward. This is the first post of many about this so subscribe for more, and sound off in the comments below about the PR analysis! 

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